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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Luna Optometry a proud provider of vision care products and services in Calabasas.

Dr. Emily James

Dr. Emily James is the owner of Luna Optometry. She earned her doctorate of optometry as a magna cum laude graduate of Southern California College of Optometry. With a bachelor’s degree in nutritional science and a passion for holistic wellness, Dr. James offers her patients a unique, modern approach to eye care.

She is trained in the treatment and management of eye diseases, including glaucoma, chronic dry eye, macular degeneration, and diabetic eye disease. She also manages patients with ophthalmology performing cataract and refractive surgery pre-operative and post-operative examinations. Dr. James has participated in FDA clinical studies as a sub-investigator for the newest technologies in LASIK surgery and refractive corneal inlay procedures. Dr. James currently serves on the board of directors for the Los Angeles County Optometry Society.

Dr. James lives in Topanga Canyon with her husband and son where she enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, gardening and cooking.

Mounia Halifa – Optician

Mounia has been in the optical industry since 2018 and with Luna Optometry since 2020. Her kindness and passion for eyewear has made her a perfect fit with our office. She specializes in frame styling, customized lens selection as well as glasses repairs and adjustments.

In her free time, Mounia enjoys spending time with her family, cooking and being outdoors.

Jeanne – Customer Service Specialist

Jeanne holds many years of medical office experience and has a passion for helping others. She takes pride in ensuring that patients feel comfortable with the decisions they make with their eye care and contact lens purchases.

She is bright, energetic, and committed to providing all patients with an enjoyable experience.

Kristina – Technician

Kristina is one of the friendly faces you’ll encounter as you step into our office. As our dedicated optometric technician, she’s here to make your visit seamless and enjoyable. With her warm and kind demeanor, she’ll put you at ease from the moment you arrive.

In her free time, Kristina enjoys shopping, the beach and spending time with her friends and family.